Balasana: For balancing of the Pitta

By Atul Vyas 

According to Indian philosophy, all the matter in our universe is made up of five basic eternal substances in various proportions. They are: Akash (space), Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jal (water), and Prithvi ( the earth).

These five substances comprise the pancha-mahabhutas or five elements or eternal substances and combine with the soul to create a living being. These pancha-mahabhutas or the five eternal substances become intermixed in a special way in order to create various types of substances that exist in the world. Our bodies too are like all other material things are made up of these five mahabhutas.

The combination of these elements creates the three doshas (Tridoshas) and the vata governs – air and space; pitta governs – fire and water; and kapha governs – water and earth. These three doshas are the primary and essential factors of the human body that govern our entire physical structure and function. Each dosha has a predominance of one of the five bhutas.

When these doshas are in balance or in equilibrium, one enjoys perfect health; and when these doshas are imbalanced disease is caused. There are many interventions through which these doshas can be brought into balance and  one of them is Yoga.

There are many poses which help in balancing pitta. Pitta is a Sanskrit word meaning – to heat or to burn. Pitta is responsible for biochemical activities, including production of the body heat. There are many functions of pitta and one of them is digestion.

One of the poses which helps in balancing pitta is Balasana or the child pose. Bala means baby or a kid and asanameans pose.
Balasana is one of the prominent reclining and resting poses. Such postures rest the body and refresh the leg. They open the lower back and spine.It makes abdominal muscles strong.



  • Sit in kneeling position with buttocks resting on the heels
  • Keep the spine erect
  • Now, Bend forward from the hips while exhaling
  • Lower the forehead to the floor and rest the arms along side the body with palms turned up
  • Feel the motion of the breath against the thighs
  • If feeling uncomfortable in doing this pose, one may spread the knees slightly or place cushion under the ankles or the back of the thighs
  • Once in the pose, breath normally
  • Hold for 10 seconds, and then come back to starting position


  • Imparts vitality energy and enthusiasm
  • Relieves posterior compression of the lumbar area
  • The abdominal organs are properly massaged
  • Calms the mind
  • Beneficial for people suffering from constipation
  • Improves power of digestion

Note of Caution

People suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosis, and spondylosis should avoid it.


Atul Vyas likes to be called a “Yoga Scientist”. He is a celebrity yoga trainer and has trained several top Hollywood and Bollywood stars. He has trained for years under many eminent yoga gurus including his illustrious mother Daya Vyas, the first lady yoga guru of India.

Images courtesy of Gaia and Provided

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