
Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Yoga for legs and lower body

By Atul Vyas The Sun symbolizes light, purity, and consciousness. Salutation to Sun imparts power and radiance. One day while doing Sun salutation, I asked my late mother Daya Vyas - world-famous, first lady yoga Guru of India, first postgraduate woman of the state of Rajasthan, and professor of economics, why worship sun? Sun, to me, was...

Knowing how to PK

By Dr. Bhaswati Bhattacharya PK is the common western slang for Panchakarma, indicating that the once-esoteric treatment process is now gaining popularity in mainstream America. Everyone wants to get on the bandwagon, whether they are physicians, ayurvedic drug manufacturers, IT communications start-up engineers, wealthy patient enthusiasts, or SEO optimizers. In an effort to popularize Panchakarma, many...

Fresh, Frozen, or Canned?

Is it always best to choose fresh vegetables? Are frozen and canned vegetables less healthy?   Fresh isn't necessarily always best. Sometimes fresh vegetables you buy in the grocery store have traveled from a very long distance. After they get picked and packed and transported over the course of several days, they lose some of their nutrients. So,...

People with strong immune systems are more attractive: Study

By Christa Lesté-Lasserre Men and women are more physically attracted to the faces of people who have higher functioning immune systems that might protect them from diseases over their lifetimes. “There's nothing inherently special or beautiful about a face that we find attractive, so the theoretical rationale is that there must be something over the thousands...

Sleep Apnea: Here’s How Tweaking Your Diet Can Help

Try these anti-inflammatory foods to help manage sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea: Here's How Tweaking Your Diet Can Help When asked, 'Are you sleeping every night? 'You'd most probably say 'Yes'. But, when the question is rephrased to 'are you satisfied with your sleep’, your answer will probably change to 'No'. Each night you sleep badly, your efficiency...

Removing Dirt using Panchakarma

By Dr. Bhaswati Bhattacharya Ayurveda has hundreds of tools to help clean out these obstacles before they create imbalances that provoke disease. Panchakarma is one of the most famous and is a pillar in the annual schedules of families that have seen its benefits. Panchakarma (Pancha, five; karma, action) are the five actions that provide deep...

Clapping for health: Five benefits that will surprise you

All of us have done this - clapping - be it celebrations, promotions, good grades, and results. Yet, you may not be aware that clapping hands can be a blessing for your health. While this seems to be a joke, clapping hands has many health benefits and it's absolutely worth putting your hands together, and...

Food for Sleep that helps you unwind

Sleep is important for a body to recover and repair the damages that occur internally or externally. It is important for our physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation may cause difficulty in making decisions, may affect your daily performance, irritability, and slower reaction time. Some of the food helps you sleep better. Melatonin is the...

Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose for uncoiling of Kundalini

By Atul Vyas "Surya is light within" - Each human being has an inner Sun, says Indian ancient text. Sun Salutation is the path of re-discovery of this inner Sun, through which light of truth is revealed and grace of self-realization is bestowed upon. The outer Sunlight gives us purification while inner sunlight gives us illumination....