How Colleges weigh High School Extracurricular

As every college applicant knows, admissions offices look at extracurricular activities as one of the many factors that go into admissions decisions.

But just how those extracurriculars are considered is much less understood. Is it better to be involved in as many activities as possible to show that you’re a well-rounded applicant, or do schools want to see commitment, focus, and leadership? Which activities are more prestigious? Are school-based activities more valuable than those in the community?

Let’s break down how colleges look at extracurricular activities on applications.

As a Complementary Factor

Extracurricular activities are not the most important factor in a college application. Coursework and GPA, for instance, bear more weight. However, this is not to say that extracurriculars have little or no impact on the admissions decision a student ultimately receives.

Admissions counselors say extracurricular can play a decisive role, especially when they might contrast sharply with other aspects of a student’s profile. For instance, admissions counselors may have reservations about a star student who has not contributed to his or her community in a meaningful way. On the other hand, extensive community involvement can work in the favor of an applicant who does not stand out academically.

In summary, while extracurricular should not be a college applicant’s top concern, their value in the college admissions decision should not be overlooked.

Patterns or Overarching Themes

When admissions officers view a resume holistically, they look for noticeable patterns among the activities a person has been involved in. Participation in different activities may convey the message that an individual is science-oriented, musically inclined, athletic, humanitarian, and so forth.

Rather than getting involved in as many disparate extracurriculars as possible, which could lead to burnout, focus on the few that most speak to your interests and talents. As a guiding force, bear in mind these two factors as you select extracurricular: your intended career path and your secondary passions.

As you periodically review and update your resume in preparation for the college application process, it may help to ask yourself: “What message does my resume communicate? What kind of student and person does it portray me as?”

Degree of Commitment

Colleges want to see that applicants are committed to the extracurricular they choose. One way to showcase commitment is through the length of your participation in an activity. The longer you have been involved in a pursuit, the better it will look on your resume.

Consider omitting extremely short-lived extracurricular activities from your resume. It may take up valuable space to include clubs you participated in for only a few weeks. At the same time, it may give the impression that you do not take club membership seriously or that you lack focus. Some exceptions to the omission rule include pivotal one-time conferences, competitions, or fundraisers.

Leadership Positions

The degree of your participation in extracurricular is equally important as the duration. It adds a competitive edge to your application to indicate that you went from being a general member in a club to hold a special position or role in it, such as treasurer or outreach coordinator. These changes in membership status demonstrate both commitment and leadership skills.

If your membership in activity has evolved in such a way, make sure to highlight it on your resume by giving it a separate entry that includes your title and the date it became effective. It can also be a standout factor if you’ve found a club or organization, which shows not only leadership but initiative.

Across the Community

While it’s easy to focus on school-based activities as you apply to college, keep in mind that your extracurricular activities can take place outside of a school setting. Being involved in community groups is every bit as valuable as being involved in clubs at school, pursuing music and dance through private companies, or joining athletic teams. To determine what you love to do and seek out opportunities to commit to it both inside and outside of school.

(Courtesy: US News)


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