Don’t Jog Past The Hedgehog

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the woman in Cheshire, England, who recently came across what looked like a baby hedgehog on the side of a road. She put it in a box, put a bowl of cat food beside it and checked on it periodically, being careful not to stress it out. Hedgehogs, as a protective mechanism against predators, curl up into a ball and that’s what this baby hedgehog seemed to be doing.

The next morning, concerned that the hedgehog had not moved or pooped, the woman took the animal to the Lower Moss Wood Nature Reserve and Wildlife Hospital. The veterinarian on duty, Janet Kotze, opened the box, made a quick examination and informed the woman that what she had rescued was a fluffy pom-pom from a beanie hat. (Also known as a bobble hat.)

“She was very embarrassed, she was very sweet, bless her — her heart was in the right place,” Kotze told British media. “She took the box from me and left quite quickly.”

Kotze emphasized that hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures and might be unwell if roaming in the daytime.

“It’s a golden rule that hedgehogs shouldn’t be out in daytime, especially little ones like that, but she did absolutely the right thing – aside from the fact that it wasn’t a hedgehog.”

Yes, she did the right thing. The person who should be ridiculed for this incident is not the woman who mistook a pom-pom for a hedgehog but the person who mistook the street for a trash bin. But perhaps the pom-pom just flew off their beanie hat and they had no idea what might happen.


It is always better to err on the side of caution. Before you laugh at the woman, ask yourself this: “How many times have I driven past a pom-pom on the street and not bothered to stop and make sure it wasn’t alive?”

Pom-poms can look identical to hedgehogs. That’s why it’s important to know the key differences:

Hedgehogs are nocturnal. If you spot a hedgehog during the day, take it to the nearest veterinarian. Pom-poms are generally diurnal. If you spot a pom-pom at night, take it to the nearest pomeranian.

An adult hedgehog weighs 1 to 2 pounds. An adult pom-pom weighs 1 to 8 ounces.

Hedgehogs are native to Europe, Asia and Africa. Pom-poms are native to Europe and North America.

Hedgehogs have numerous spines. Pom-poms are usually attached to just one spine.

Hedgehogs are quite vocal, producing a variety of grunts, snuffles or squeals. Pom-poms are vocal only when connected to a cheerleader.

What should you do if you find a pom-pom on the street?

Pick it up very carefully.

Put it in a box.

If it hasn’t moved after 24 hours, take it to the nearest Goodwill. Any other thrift store might also work, but I can guarantee that Goodwill will place your pom-pom in a bag with other pom-poms received from kind pom-pom rescuers like you. This will ensure that your pom-pom is never alone.

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