Setu Bandhasana: Calms mind and Pitta Dosha

By Atul Vyas 

Pitta type dominant constitution arises from predominance of aggression. Such a person is a critical thinker and decisive. They are often called Type-A personality. They do better in cooler climates as they are hot blooded.

With balanced pitta such people withstand great deal of physical stress but if they crack the physical damage may be extensive. In balanced state such people are joyful, dynamic and magnetizing to those around them. Imbalanced pitta can cause migraines, tendency towards diarrhea, reproductive tract problems and various inflammation conditions. Imbalanced pitta can also cause hernias and uterine prolapse, etc.

One of the very important yogic intervention to calm or balance pitta is Setu bandhasana. Bandha means to bind and setu means bridge, something that join two points of separation. In physical terms, this pose resembles shape of bridge, spiritually means bridging Atma to Brahma.

It is a gentle backbend which can help relieve back pain. It is also a calming pose. It calms the mind as well pitta dosha. It is also considered as heart opener too.


  • Lie on the back, palms beside your hips
  • Bend knees and place your feet close to your hips
  • Separate your feet and knees to hip-width
  • Lift your hips up to form a smooth arching bridge from shoulders to knees, supporting your back with the palms
  • Remain in this pose for 10 seconds then come back to normal
  • Breath normally
  • Repeat three times


  • Balances the Pitta dosha
  • Relieves lower back pain
  • Prevents uterine prolapse
  • Increases peristaltic activity of the intestines
  • Stabilizes blood pressure
  • Activates lung tissues
  • Influences the functioning of thyroid and parathyroid
  • Frees energy in solar plexus
  • Helps in having sound sleep

Atul Vyas likes to be called a “Yoga Scientist”. He is a celebrity yoga trainer and has trained several top Hollywood and Bollywood stars. He has trained for years under many eminent yoga gurus including his illustrious mother Daya Vyas, the first lady yoga guru of India.

Images courtesy of Digit Insurance and Provided

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