Kapalbhati: Yoga to cure nervousness

By Atul Vyas 

As the harmonious functioning of the third chakra creates a feeling of peace and tranquility, similarly insufficient functioning of this third chakra often makes one dejected and discouraged. Such a person sees obstacles everywhere, such as the obstacles that prevent the fulfillment of one’s desires.

This insufficient working might have prevented free unfolding of one’s personality since childhood for the fear of  losing the approval of elders. This in turn makes one suppress emotions by holding expression back more than one’s holding capacity leading to emotional ashes pile up, robbing one of boldness, strength and initiative.

They withdraw from challenges of life, unusual experiences scare them and they start considering themselves unfit for the struggle of life.

One important yogic intervention in such a situation is Kapalbhati kriya. The name ‘kapal bhati’ means shining skull. This is a rapid diaphragmatic breath that actively snaps the belly inward and passively releases it outward in rapid succession. It tones the muscles over the solar plexus covers for the deficiency and insufficient working of third chakra.

Sit with erect spine and place hands over third chakra area to feel its movement as you focus on your breath

  • Now inhale and contract belly muscles towards spine, making air expires from the nostrils in short burst – active exhalation
  • Next, simply relax the belly muscles and see how the air comes in through nostrils without effort – passive inhalation
  • Repeat this rapidly like bellows
  • Make 10-20 rounds as per capacity then relax and take full breath in natural way

Expels toxins

  • Tones the abdomen and belly
  • Stimulates third chakra and make for its insufficient working
  • Helps people with nervous temperament

Note of Caution
This asana must be avoided by those having high blood pressure, heart disease, strong menstruation, and during pregnancy.

Atul Vyas likes to be called a “Yoga Scientist”. He is a celebrity yoga trainer and has trained several top Hollywood and Bollywood stars. He has trained for years under many eminent yoga gurus including his illustrious mother Daya Vyas, the first lady yoga guru of India.

Image courtesy of StyleCrazy

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