
US diverts missiles ordered by…

Washington: The Joe Biden administration has announced that in an "extraordinary" step, it was reprioritizing "hundreds" of air defense missiles ordered… Read more


Indian Association of North Texas…

The India Association of North Texas and Vibha Dallas, an Indian American youth organization on June 14, 2024, introduced members of their senior citizen… Read more


Bhutoria mobilizes Indian jewelry…

Sunnyvale, CA: Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and recent events have underscored the importance of community solidarity and effective… Read more


Historic Fundraiser Marks Unprecedented…

By Ajay Bhutoria, Democrat community leader and Deputy National Finance Chair, DNC

In a historic and unprecedented show of support, the recent… Read more


“So much fun to watch the India-Pakistan Cricket World Cup match on Long Island!”—U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer said sharing the photos on X (former… Read more


Dr. Bimal Ramani: Enhancing Human…

By Shomik Chaudhuri

Dr. Bimal Ramani, who is visiting the US, is an Indian researcher of Human Powers, Psychic Abilities, Extra Sensory Perceptions… Read more


'People in India have unequivocally…

New York: "The people of India have unequivocally rejected the BJP's agenda, which sought to undermine the constitution and transform the country,"… Read more


US Vice President Kamala Harris will attend an upcoming peace summit on Ukraine to be held in Switzerland on June 15-16.

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NSA Sullivan to engage with new…

Washington: American National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is scheduled to visit India to engage with the new government on shared US-India priorities,… Read more